Experience the beauty of South West Florida as Beach Buddy Tours escorts you through paradise!

Your tour begins and ends with a relaxing ride at idle speed through the Cape Coral San Carlos canal to the Caloosahatchee River. 
A wide variety of wildlife can be seen as we explore the waters of Shell Creek, Pine Island Sound Aquatic Preserve, Punta Rassa Cove and the Gulf of Mexico at the southernmost point on Sanibel Island where we'll stop for a great photo opportunity with the historic Lighthouse as a backdrop.
Your vessel will be a Chaparral 230 Suncoast with ample shade for your private party up to 6 people. This vessel will offer a comfortable ride making it easy to relax and take in the sights.
Your Captain and tour guide will be one of the owner operators Captain John Simoneau or Captain Carolyn Simoneau.
Our motto is "Making Lifelong Memories One Tour At A Time".

Note:  Your tour can be upgraded for an additional fee.  The winner will be connected to Beach Buddy Tours for a full list of adventures they offer.

Beach Buddy Tours 3-Hour Dolphin Tour for Up to 6 Guests (and Dog Friendly, too!)

Item #11

$390 - 31 bids

Minimum Bid Increment:




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Beach Buddy Tours